
Showing posts from December, 2018

Regarding the pain of others

Susan Sontag was an American writer, filmmaker and political activist. She was active in writing and tarveling to areas of conflict and mainly wrote about photograpy. In her book Regarding the pain of others she states "The photographs are a means of making "real" (or "more real") matters that the privileged and the merely safe might prefer to ignore." this suggests that she believes that those who are wealthier do not like to acknowledge the problems that many people, who are not as well off, face. And I don't disagree, todays society like to just block out issues instead of trying to help and spread the wealth. Not many people like to give and that just adds to poverty. The rich become richer and the poor poorer and that's not how it should work. To add to that she also sys "Look, the photographs say, this is what it's like. This is what war does. And that, that is what it does, too. War tears, rends. War rips open, eviscerates. War...

Antonin Kratochvil

Antonin Kratochvil Antonin Kratochvil, a Czech-born American photojournalist, Is a funding member of VII photo agency. He gained a BFA in photography from a school in Amsterdam. He has photographed for the Iraq war for fortune but was recently suspended sexual harassment allegations. In the first image we can see a crowd of people. I like this image because you understand what is happening as soon as you see the image. You can tell that it is a busy area and that Kratochvil is pushing through a crowd. I also like that it is blurry because it looks intentional and it adds to the story of the crowded area. I like the second image because it shows pollution which is an  everday thing that happens but its also just a really beautiful image  which is kind of confusing because pollution isn't a beautiful thing. I like that it shows the power of photography and how anything can be  beautiful if you make it that way.